Saturday, May 3, 2014

I'm sorry... What?

So, curiosity is very much part of my nature.
And with all the new developments with the interweb and whatnot,
research into even the most absurd and inane of human thoughts and practices 
is easy, amusing, sometimes beneficial, and frequently...
perplexing, bafflingmystifying, bewildering and confusing. 
(coffee break)
unaccountable (to say the very least), 
and to be blunt, just plain odd.
But don't take my word for this, go google
"If Eve was the first woman,
who was the second... "
(I get the feeling this is not a topic that gets much air play in certain communities, 
which is of course odd in itself, as this is exactly the type of thing that having a good answer for, ummmm,
couldn't hurt, 
Even if humanity has only existed for 7000 years, if you can't make up a decent answer in that much time,
Might be time to consider some other options.)
(I'm just sayin')
I did not know this but Mormon undergarments may protect you from fire, 
and the quality stuff may protect you from bullets.
So I'm told...
What else, Invisible supernatural beings reveal themselves in mundane objects like oozing paint or cooking food...
Well, who didn't know that....
Call me crazy but wouldn't it make sense to have more people trying regrow teeth than hair?
Waving a chicken over your head can take away your sins.
It seems....
and probably earn you a few new ones.
A supernatural being cares tremendously what you do with your penis. 
That makes two of us.
So let's cut to the chase.
The process that produced this world and human life is best unveiled not by the scientific method,
but by the musings of iron age herdsmen.
Emm kay? 
But don't let them work on your car.
Learn to do that your self.
also, not a bad idea
to ummmm
learn how to do...
for yourself.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Tomorrows World

I think that if I ever grow tired of living in Truckee early in the 21st century,
I should very much like to move to Great Britton in the 1970s.
And before you ask, yes we have that technology. 
Mind you, the time difference does make getting through customs a bit more cumbersome,
they need to be sure your not carrying any news papers and such, but it can be done.
I think I shall have been going to share a flat with James Burke , John Cleese and Marianne Faithfull.
I have enclosed a photo of Marianne.
To quote Woody Allen,
She has the most... eyes...
And she does.
We shall have had such wonderful times at seaside on holiday.
I shall have taken a job with the Daily Mail, and then quit,
storming out in a huff when the paper decided to support M. Thatcher's candidacy.
Then, two days later, I dropped a quid on the night watchman to sneak me back in so I could change the morning headline to read,
"Upstart Thatcher declares, Make Love Not War"
The editor had an apoplectic fit, I cracked a rib laughing, and we all went back to St. Ives to recover.
And I will remain self employed ever since.

Yes, it's confusing....
But just look at those eyes.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Fire and Stone

So, this is not about money.
It's about feet in doors, and climbing ladders five rungs at a time.
So today I had fun as Best Pies Chief Dishware Imaculation Specialist.
Laugh if you wish, but....
(Hmmmm,   do I really want to be mayor of this town?
It's probably out of my hands by now...)
Anyway, what could make this worthwhile?
Check one fantasy of the list.
Today I made my own pizza...
in a real pizza oven.
Not some little boy scout personal pizza...
A real pizza.
It was kind of overwhelming.
Sure, folks talk a big game,
but when your standing in front to your doughy canvas
faced with all those options...
I can see what an art this really is. 
Start with what you know...
and lots of it.
Fresh from the Cuisinart DLC 10S Pro 9 cup Food Processor.
Which I had just washed after the pesto was made.
To be safe, I ask lots of questions before doing what comes natural.
I had it pretty much on the mark, except,
this kind of environment is not one that encourages licking the Cuisinart before washing it.
And people call ME a control freak...
Anyway, the pizza... how'd it come out?
Tales are told...
delicately woven into our lives...
legends become more miraculous as pages fall from the calendar.
Someday, I'll tell your grandchildren about this 
and they'll look at me as if I where crazy....
There was a hush over Truckee that day...
Folks sitting on benches, or at sidewalk cafes,
leaning against lamp posts...
Just looking into the distance... and smelling the air.
Thinking... for some inexplicable reason...
LIfe has so much promise.
So many possibilities.
So much potential.
I think I'd like a slice...
And make it to go.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Raining Snowballs

The sound of snow falling from trees.
That has a romantic ring to it, N'est pas?
Delicate, fleeting, ephemeral...

Truth be told, living under the canopy in Truckee, after a couple days of snow, one gets the distinct impression that some person, or persons, are dropping shovel loads of wet cement, from several stories up, onto ones roof.
All day long. Or maybe sacs of soggy laundry.
From the sound, it could be canvas bags of freshly minted hundred dollar bills.
But it's not. I went up and checked.

Anyway, you get used to it.
But I'll tell you something amazing to see.
You get a couple days of snowfall, and the storm starts to move out. Patchy blue sky. The sun peaking out, looking timidly around.
All the trees heavily laiden, branches drooping under the fresh powder.
And then one of those monstrous winds that this town is so famous for, comes screaming up from the south and for a couple minutes,
the air is filled with horizontal snowflakes the size of your fist.
It is really something to see.
And best just resign yourself to the fact that one of those boughs of soggy powder has your name on it.
It'll probably get you when your trudging in with the groceries.
Or better yet...
Just as you blow a kiss to the girl you just took out for pizza...
as she is driving away...
laughing hysterically.

Real World, Truckee

Real World, Truckee Edition.
Remember the conversation I had with the Princess Irulan?
When we she told me the truth of power?
She had said, " He who submits, rules".
That girl is wise beyond her years.
Power is a terrible thing,
and only a total fool would want anything to do with it.
Power is the ability, the right and the duty,
to say who stays,
and who goes.
I come from a school that holds, at the very root of all it's teachings,
the ultimate goal, that we all participate, we all learn, and we all progress.
The notion of kicking someone off the island is an affront to the highest principals
to which we have devoted our lives.
Other schools have responded to this dilemma,
with the obvious and undeniable fact,
that some students just are not ready for the required curriculum.
And that the only option is to leave them in the stew
until the indiscriminate whims of a harsh and beautiful world,
have scarred and molded them into something workable.
At which time they would be welcome to return.
Consider Yoda...
"too impatient, this one is...
to rash,
complete the teaching, he will not..."
Of course, Yoda was right...
But the options were few...
times were dark and troubled.
One could not afford to abandon any opportunity.
And anyone who knocks at your door, is an opportunity.
For what?

There are only three types of relationships among humans.
Allies, enemies, and a third category with the lengthy heading of
the indifferent, undecided, uninformed, miss informed, or not yet ready to respond.
There are some folks who straddle the boarder between the first and the third categories.
This is a delicate stage with lots of bouncing about and roller coaster rides... and uncertainty.
And always the possibility that a miss step could send the undecided, into the enemy camp.
To everyones detriment.

Irulan knows this. And so do I.
And this is why we find this life so difficult.

Summing up is usually the most fun part of writing this stuff.
It gives the reader a punch, and a hook, and something to take home.
But I don't have to do that here.
Or, maybe I don't think I need to.
And we all know I don't want to.