Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May snow...

Yesterday I sneezed out a neutron star.
My headache is better but there is a HUGE hole in the floor.
Diamond has to move out cause her job at woodward is done for the season, 
but hopefully she'll be back next winter.
Soooo, I do believe Michael is moving in.
What ever baggage he may bring to the table, only time will tell.
But he does play guitar. 
a lot.
So, I'm kind of jazzed about this.
Next item on the list.
Bass player....
Next stop.... Crystal Bay.
I have figured out the solution to the problem of me being almost 50, while most of the females around are almost 25.
This one is obvious, I get two of them.
I have done the math on this and it seems flawless and actually quite elegant.
Page two;
What ever this winter has lacked in sincerity, it appears quite determined to make up for with persistence.
I'm told Truckee is one of the coldest places in the country, 
although I have a hard time believing it beats out Caribou Main or International Falls Minnesota.
But the internet doesn't lie....
(don't quote me on that)

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Muse...

But never mind that.
I want to show you, just exactly why
the one who calls himself Mark Twain is a great master,
of that to which I aspire.
Excerpt from Eve's Diary:

"Stars are good too. I wish I could get some to put in my hair.
But I suppose I never can. You'd be surprised how far off they are, for they do not look it. 

When they first showed last night, I tried to knock some down with a pole, but it didn't reach, which astonished me."

Don't ask me why, but such talk causes water to fall the eyes I see through.

Who else we got...
The Musemeant
"I may break...
I am alive.